The following is text from a video congratulating hunger strikers from Black and Arab people in Detroit. The comments come from water rights activists, a former Black Panther, a formerly incarcerated person, and a man who went on hunger strike for 140-days to resist his eviction. We love you Palestine and congratulations once again to the prisoners and their families. (العربية هنا)
We are a group of Black, African, Arab and Palestinian people here in the city of Detroit—on occupied territory in “the United States.” (Like Israel, the United States stole indigenous land and renamed all the cities.)
We’re here to offer our solidarity and congratulations to you, the prisoners who steadfastness was inspirational to all of us: We’re calling for the decolonization of Zagajibiising (“Detroit”) and all of Turtle Island (“North America”) and Palestine. And we’re here in solidarity with you. Free the water! (In Detroit, the government is threatening to shut off the water of 18,000 families who cannot afford to pay their water bills. The entire city of Flint, Michigan drank poisoned water for a year because of corporate greed. The city still does not have clean water.) Power to the People! Free the Land in the US and Palestine! Rise Up! Ah-hurriya falastinia! (Freedom is Palestinian!) Congratulations on your step towards a free Palestine! My heart goes out in solidarity to the brave people who risked fasting for forty days in order to bring attention to the importance of the issue of justice. I personally understand what sacrificing and fasting is. I myself fasted for 140 days. So I know personally what you had to go through. And again, my heart goes out to you in solidarity. We are one. We’d like to end with a chant from one of our own revolutionary comrades and a former political prisoner - Assata Shakur. Assata was liberated from prison and has been living free for decades in Cuba. So we offer this chant from our struggle to ours. It goes: It is our duty to fight for our freedom It is our duty to win We must love and support each other We have nothing to lose but our chains We have nothing to lose but our chains We have nothing to lose but our chains!
Read more about the 40-day hunger strike here. Check out Black4Palestine's statement at the beginning of the strike here. And visit our Facebook page for more videos and information.
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